"Diamonds Dazzle and SO DO I. I'm a fun loving person who loves travelling, good food, wine & being with my family. I am a people person and can fit into any situation comfortably. I also take direction well and will do what I am told, when told & as best I can"
Home & Away - Permanent Campground Resident - 2017.
Wake in Fright - 2 part Telemovie - I worked with Alex Dimitriades playing 2 up on
Anzac Day - 2017.
Home & Away - Permanent Campground Resident - 2017.
Home & Away - Permanent Campground Resident - 2017.
AMF Bowling at Rooty Hill RSL - Billboard Model for 9th year in a row - 2017.
Janet King - ABC TV series - Parramatta Court Attendee - 2017.
Home & Away - Permanent Campground resident - 2017.
Superior Employment - Lead speaking Presenter - Online Commercial
advertising job vacancies - 2017.
TVC - Books Online - Bus commuter dancing with Craig McLachlan - 2017.
Award Winning (2016) Home & Away - Background Artist as permanent camp
ground resident - 2017.
Event Zero - webseries - Lead Train Commuter filmed at Homebush
Olympic Park - 2016.
Logie winning Home & Away - Lead campsite resident - 2016.
Rosien Skin Care - Lead speaking role of International TVC in China as
CEO of Rosien Skin Care - 2016.
Logie Winning Home & Away - Lead camp ground resident - 2016.
Logie Winning Home & Away - featured as Caravan Park resident - 2016.
Slow Cooker/Fast Cooker - Lead Testimonial testing new cooker for
TVC - 2016.
Nationwide Taxi Brand - Lead in TVC on Hen's night out
(3 day shoot) - 2016.
Logie Winning Home & Away - Background Artist at Camp Ground - 2016.
Logie winning Home & Away - Background Artist at Camp Ground - 2016.
Jackie Chan's Feature Film "Bleeding Steel" - Worked with Jackie Chan at at Sydney Opera House - 2016.